Tuesday, April 28, 2015


This is the logo I created at the beginning of the semester. I decided to also use it instead of creating a new logo for the animation ad we are creating.

This is the final ad for my animation project. I decided that it would be best to use photographs and having calming music in the background. Yoga is about meditation and focusing on your inner body. Along with yoga are good vibes. I think by using photographs of individuals doing yoga and playing a calming music will inspire individuals watching this commercial to join Simply Yoga Studio! People watching this may feel inclined to become healthier and join in on a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Custom Graphic

For the custom graphic project I decided to trace a hamsa into Photoshop. I used multiple different brushes and colors to create this piece. I also created my own brush and pattern in one! (http://cliparts.co/clipart/2771429) I first started using the brush I created as a stamp, but soon noticed it was also creating its own pattern and went with it! Overall, I am happy with the way this assignment came out and I enjoyed putting my own creativity using different tools I have not used in Photoshop before!

The black border around the piece is from the screenshot on my Mac not blank space!